Mike’s Pix
Images added 4th December, 1997
- dance.jpg Danceland Label
- dawn.jpg Dawn Label
- dc.jpg DC Label
- deegee.jpg Dee Gee Label
- delcro.jpg Delcro Label
- del-cro.jpg Delcro Label
- delta.jpg Delta Label (silver label)
- discover.jpg Discovery Label
- discovry.jpg Discovery Label
- domino.jpg Domino Label
- dootone.jpg DooTone Label (white with blue lettering)
- ebony.jpg Ebony Label (picture on label)
- ebony1.jpg Ebony Label (plain label)
- ember.jpg Ember Label
- everlast.jpg Everlast Label
- fabor.jpg Fabor Label
- falcon.jpg Falcon Label
- feature.jpg Feature Label
- fidelity.jpg Fidelity Label (Bumble Bee Slim)
- flame.jpg Flame Label (nice)
- flash.jpg Flash Label
- folkstar.jpg Folk Star Label
- fortune.jpg Fortune Label (blue)
- foto.jpg Foto Label (plain white with red lettering)
- foto2.jpg Foto Label (like Miltone!)
- foto3.jpg Foto Label (reverse of foto2.jpg)
- fotoa.jpg Foto Label (silver with red lettering)
- fury.jpg Fury Label
- gerald.jpg Gerald Label
- glakes.jpg Great Lakes Label
- goldband.jpg Goldband Label
- goldstar.jpg Gold Star Label
- gramercy.jpg Gramercy Label
- gruvtone.jpg GruvTone Label
- gst.jpg GST Label
Images added 9th January, 1998
- hamptone.jpg Hamp-Tone Label
- harlem.jpg Harlem Label
- harmony.jpg Harmony Label
- haven.jpg Haven Label
- hi-lo.jpg Hi-Lo Label
- hit.jpg Hit Label
- holiday.jpg Holiday Label
- hollwood.jpg Hollywood Label
- hsound.jpg House of Sound Label
- hy-tone.jpg Hy-Tone Label
- internat.jpg International Label
- ivory.jpg Ivory Label
- kicks.jpg Kicks Label
- krc.jpg KRC Label (blue)
- krc2.jpg KRC Label (black)
- lamp.jpg Lamp Label (red)
- lamp-b.jpg Lamp Label (blue)
- lamplite.jpg Lamplighter Label
- lee.jpg Lee Label
- lin.jpg Lin Label
- lissen.jpg Lissen Label
- london-g.jpg London Label (US-Green)
- london-b.jpg London Label (US Blue)
- lucky7.jpg Lucky 7 Label
- lyric.jpg Lyric Label
Images added 21st January, 1998
- melba.jpg Melba Label (Dame Nellie where are you?)
- melodyl.jpg Melody Lane Record Shop Label
- meteor.jpg Meteor Label
- million.jpg Million Label
- miracle.jpg Miracle Label (If it’s a hit, it’s a Miracle)
- monarch.jpg Monarch Label
- motif.jpg Motif Label
- muscraf1.jpg Musicraft Label
- muscraft.jpg Musicraft Label
- musiccty.jpg Music City Label
- nasco.jpg Nasco Label
- nashboro.jpg Nashboro Label
- nestor.jpg Nestor Label (pink)
- note.jpg Note Label
- nutex.jpg Nu-Tex Label
- obmoc.jpg Obmoc Label
- oldswing.jpg Old Swingmaster Label
- oldtown.jpg Old Town Label
- oldtown1.jpg Old Town Label
- olliet.jpg Olliet Label
- opera.jpg Opera Label
- ot.jpg O.T. Label
- pacific.jpg Pacific Label
- par.jpg Par Label
- param.jpg Paramount Label
- parody.jpg Parody Label
- pennant.jpg Pennant Label
- ping.jpg Ping Label
- plymouth.jpg Plymouth Label
- post.jpg Post Label
- premium.jpg Premium Label (green)
- randb.jpg Rhythm and Blues Label
- rartist.jpg Radio Artist Label
- regis.jpg Regis Label (red)
- regis1.jpg Regis Label (black)
- republic.jpg Republic Label (white label)
- rex.jpg Rex Hollywood Label
- rhumbog.jpg Rhumboogie Label
- riviera.jpg Riviera Label
- rockin.jpg Rockin’ Label
- rondo.jpg Rondo Label
- ronel.jpg Ronel Label
- roost.jpg Roost Label
- royalty.jpg Royalty Label
- rrobin.jpg Red Robin Label
- rroost.jpg Royal Roost Label
- ruby.jpg Ruby Label
- ruby1.jpg Ruby Label
Images added 28th January, 1998
- 20thc.jpg 20th Century Label (Yellow)
- 20thcen.jpg 20th Century Label
- 2mikes.jpg 2 Mikes Label (excellent design!)
- 7-11.jpg 7-11 Label
- milt102.jpg Miltone Label
- milt243.jpg Miltone Label
- milt224b.jpg Miltone Label
- milt246b.jpg Miltone Label
- milt472.jpg Miltone Label (black)
- old-sw.jpg Old Swingmaster Label (red)
- sapp-blk.jpg Sapphire Label (black)
- sapp-red.jpg Sapphire Label (red)
- sapp-blu.jpg Sapphire Label (blue)
- saturn.jpg Saturn Label
- scoop.jpg Scoop Label
- score.jpg Score Label
- signal.jpg Signal Label
- signatur.jpg Signature Label
- sonora.jpg Sonora Label
- southern.jpg Southern Label
- spark.jpg Spark Label
- special.jpg Special Label
- starmake.jpg Star Maker Label
- star-tal.jpg Star Talent Label (nice Rufus Thomas!)
- sunshine.jpg Sunshine Label (nice design)
- super-d1.jpg Super Disc Label
- super-d.jpg Super Disc Label
- superior.jpg Superior Label
- swing.jpg Swing Label
- tt.jpg T and T Label
- tan.jpg Tan Label
- teenage.jpg Teenage Label
- thatsit.jpg That’s It Label (nice)
- theron.jpg Theron Label
- top-hat.jpg Top Hat Label (yellow)
- tops.jpg Tops Label
- trilon.jpg Trilon Label
- tru-blue.jpg Tru Blue Label
- van-ca.jpg Van Ca Label
- vita.jpg Vita Label
- von.jpg Von Label
- vulcan.jpg Vulcan Label
- vulcan1.jpg Vulcan Label
- wheeler.jpg Wheeler Label
- wing.jpg Wing Label
Images added 26th February, 1998
- alad-blu.jpg Aladdin Label (blue)
- alad-old.jpg Aladdin Label (Early red label)
- alad-red.jpg Aladdin Label (red)
- arist-g.jpg The Aristocrat Record Label (green)
- aristoc.jpg The Aristocrat Record Label (normal white with red lettering)
- atlantic.jpg Atlantic Label
- atlas-b.jpg Atlas Label (blue)
- atlas-dr.jpg Atlas Label (dark red)
- altas-r.jpg Atlas Label (red)
- atlas-rc.jpg Atlas Record Company Label (different to above)
Images added 11th March, 1998.
- apollo1.jpg Apollo Label (black Masterworks in Jazz)
- apollo2.jpg Apollo Label (dark blue Masterworks in Jazz)
- apollo3.jpg Apollo Label (sky blue Masterworks in Jazz)
- apollo4.jpg Apollo Label (red label)
- apollo5.jpg Apollo Label (white disc jockey label)
- big-town.jpg Big Town Label
- bullet1.jpg Bullet Label
- bw1.jpg Black and White Label (later swerve design)
- bw2.jpg Black and White Label(plain black label)
- bw3.jpg Black and White Label (plain white label)
- bw4.jpg Black and White Label(blue label)
- bw5.jpg Black and White Label (red label)
- bw6.jpg Black and White Label(black/white label!)
Images added 18th March, 1998.
- cat.jpg Cat Label
- chance.jpg Chance Label (black/white label)
- chance1.jpg Chance Label (blue/silver label)
- chance2.jpg Chance Label (black label)
- coleman.jpg Coleman Label (red label)
- columb.jpg Columbia Label (normal red label)
- columb1.jpg Columbia Label ( light green label)
- columb2.jpg Columbia Label (white label)
- combo.jpg Combo Label(orange label)
- combo1.jpg Combo Label (purple label)
- conti.jpg Continental Label(plain yellow label)
- conti1.jpg Continental Label (yellow label)
- coral.jpg Coral Label (orange label)
- coral1.jpg Coral Label(orange with motif label)
- coral2.jpg Coral Label (blue label)
- coral3.jpg Coral Label(white label!)
Images added 25th of March, 1998.
- cap-bm.jpg Capitol Label (white label)
- cap-dh.jpg Capitol Label (purple label)
- cap-gs.jpg Capitol Label (red Americana label)
- cap-gsb.jpg Capitol Label (black label)
- cap-tb.jpg Capitol Label (another purple label)
- cap-tr.jpg Capitol Label (yellow label)
- chartrg.jpg Chart Label
- chartwf.jpg Chart Label (what a name!)
- check-dj.jpg Checker DJ Label(orange and white label)
- check-mm.jpg Checker Label
- chess-eb.jpg Chess Label(a ring in, sorry Reverand!)
- chess-rg.jpg Chess Label (Roscoe Gordon!)
- cont1.jpg Continental Label (corrections to Blues disco)
- cont2.jpg Continental Label(correctrions to Blues disco)
- deluxe.jpg Deluxe Label
- deluxe1.jpg Deluxe Label
- derbyem.jpg Derby Label
- downtown.jpg Down Town Label (nice design)
Images added 1st of April, 1998.
- dbeat.jpg Down Beat Label
- decca1.jpg Decca Label (pink DJ label)
- decca2.jpg Decca Label (white DJ label)
- decca3.jpg Decca Label (Personality series – Little Esther)
- decca4.jpg Decca Label (brown label)
- decca5.jpg Decca Label (blue label)
- decca6.jpg Decca Label (torquise DJ label)
- decca7.jpg Decca Label (later black label)
- dot1.jpg Dot Label(yellow label)
- dot2.jpg Dot Label (red label)
- dot3.jpg Dot Label(black label)
- rih.jpg Recorded In Hollywood Label (black label)
- sbeat.jpg Swing Beat Label
- swing1.jpg Swing Label (Oops they missed a beat!)
Images added 6th of April, 1998.
- 4star.jpg 4 Star Label
- 4star1.jpg 4 Star Label (slight variation)
- 4star2.jpg 4 Star Label (darker red)
- deluxe2.jpg DeLuxe Label (grey with red lettering)
- deluxe3.jpg DeLuxe Label (nice design black)
- deluxe4.jpg DeLuxe Label (black with piano motif)
- duke.jpg Duke Label
- eddies.jpg Eddie’s Records Label (purple)
- eddies1.jpg Eddie’s Records Label (black)
- elko.jpg Elko Label (red label)
- elko1.jpg Elko Label(darker red label)
- elko2.jpg Elko Label
- excello1.jpg Excello Label (not Fats Domino!)
- excelsi.jpg Excelsior Label (early red label)
- excelsi1.jpg Excelsior Label (black label)
- excelsi2.jpg Excelsior Label(black label)
- federal.jpg Federal Label (green and gold label)
- federal1.jpg Federal Label (green label)
- ua.jpg United Artists (red label)