Country 78 Labels
Images added 27th February, 1998.
- conq-am.jpg Conqueror Label[Asa Martin and James Roberts]
- deltamq.jpg Delta Label [ Mac Quinn]
- durium.jpg Durium Label [Carson Robison and his Pioneers] (UK label)
- fort-sm.jpg Fortune Label [Skeets McDonald]
- fort1-sm.jpg Fortune Label [Skeets McDonald](same as above except credits)
- gs-hc.jpg Gold Star Label [Harry Choates] (gold/black label)
- intro-ed.jpg Intro Label [Earl “Grandpappy” Davis]
- king-gj.jpg King Label [Grandpa Jones] (early design)
- king-gj1.jpg King Label [Grandpa Jones](later design)
- kingsp.jpg Kingsport Label [L.C. Smith – Ralph Mayo & the Southern Mountain Boys]
- pan-bk.jpg Panachord Label[Bradley Kincaid] (Australian – blue)
- rz-ga.jpg Regal Zonophone [Gene Autry] (Indian pressing)
- selectrp.jpg Selective Label [Red Pleasant & the Southern Serenaders]
- super-bk.jpg Supertone Label [Buell Kazee]
- voc-udm.jpg Vocalion Label [Uncle Dave Macon](early design)
- zon-cr.jpg Zonophone Label [Carson Robison & his Pioneers] (Australian pressing)
- zon-puz.jpg Zonophone Label [Jimmie Rodgers] (UK issue of Puzzle record)